Author: Sarah D. Wire and Molly O'Toole
Published: Mar 18, 2019
Washington, D.C.

After weeks of delay, the Pentagon on Monday provided Congress with a list of more than 400 military construction projects around the globe, including dozens in California, that it could raid to help pay for President Trump’s long-promised wall at the southwest border.
The 21-page document includes more than $12.8 billion in projects that the Defense Department conceivably could tap under the emergency Trump has declared on the border.
They include military housing, school building repairs, hazardous material facilities, security measures, naval piers and airfields.
The list names 31 planned military construction projects, with congressional appropriations of more than $1.1 billion, in California alone.
The White House has said the military construction money will be used to pay for the wall only after other funding sources have been tapped.